Knight vs. Samurai: What’s The Difference Between Knight And Samurai?

What is the difference between a knight and a samurai? Read more to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of each, similarities and differences between these two types of warriors.
Knight vs. Samurai: 7 Key Differences, Pros & Cons, Similarities

Knight vs. Samurai: Knight and samurai were both very good warriors of their times. Knights were located in Europe, while Sumeria was in Japan. Both of these were well trained, educated, and had good manners. But if we talk about knight vs. samurai differences, both were different in their history, clothes, training, and fighting strategies. But the main difference between knights and samurais, which can be differentiated easily, is their armor and weapons. 

Let’s take a closer look at Knights vs. Samurais

WarriorsBoth knights and samurai were great warriors
LocationKnights were located in European, while samurai in Japan
FollowersKnights follow chivalry while samurai, “Bushido.”
TrainingIn samurai Vs. Knights, both start to get their training in childhood

What is Knight?

What is Knight? A knight can be defined as a person who has won a title of knighthood by the monarch or any other political leader of the country, especially in a military capacity. Knights were well known for their strong armor and great battle performance. They were not only great warriors but also very sophisticated and had good manners.

A knight can be defined as a person who has won a title of knighthood by the monarch or any other political leader of the country, especially in a military capacity. Knights were well known for their strong armor and great battle performance. They were not only great warriors but also very sophisticated and had good manners. All of the knights were well educated and up to date. Their purpose was to fight for the honor and dignity of their country. Knight follows the “chivalry” rule and charges in a small group. They look fierce to make their enemies nervous. They used to cover all of their body with their armor, made up of metallic links. They used their shield and sword during the battle. Knight also has military rank and takes part in tournaments.

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What Is a Samurai?

What Is a Samurai? The word samurai means “servant or a person who serves." Samurai were members of a powerful military caste in Japan. But this warrior had no ranks. Samurai follow a strict code of conduct known as "bushido," which means "the way of the warrior." It is also considered that the bushido had a religious status for them.

The word samurai means “servant or a person who serves.” Samurai were members of a powerful military caste in Japan. But this warrior had no ranks. Samurai follow a strict code of conduct known as “bushido,” which means “the way of the warrior.” It is also considered that the bushido had a religious status for them. They also fought for the honor and dignity of their country and people. Samurai use bows and arrows as their weapons when the enemies are far. But when the enemies are near, they use a sword. Samurai take care of their sword as if it is their honor or life. They carried two swords in the battle: a katana and a shorter blade. They also wore armor to protect themselves from the enemies, but their armor was light in weight and not as strong as a knight’s.

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7 Key Differences Between Knight and Samurai

HistoryDuring the early middle ages, knights were only conferred as mounted warriors and considered lower nobility, but by the late middle ages, they were associated with ideals of chivalry and considered perfect courtly Christian warriors.At first, samurai were the warriors of premodern Japan. But later on, they made up ruling the military class, which made them the highest ranking social caste of the Edo period. In the 1870s, samurai families were 5% of the population.
LooksKnights of the middle ages were fully covered with armor and heavy clothing. During battles, they wore chainmail, helmets, and full body armor.Samurai wore their lightweight armor during battles, but when outside home, they wore two-piece costumes known as “kimishima” upon their kimono.
ArmorKnights wore metal or iron armor to keep themselves protected during battle. But during the 14th century, solid plate armor became more commonJapanese samurai armor was made up of many small pieces of a different material. Steel, leather, wood, and bamboo were laced together with silk cord
WeaponsMedieval knights have a great relationship with their swords. But they also used daggers, battleaxes, poleaxe, and lances.Samurai mostly used long swords known as katana, but some small short swords and small knives were also found with everyone.
StrategiesKnights were good at blocking passed pawnSamurai mostly used their weapon range strategies
Military RankKnights had military ranks; Grosskomtur was the highest rank which was second-in-command after the grandmaster.Samurai do not have military ranks, but they have some principle ranks: vassals of a feudal lord, housemen, and the lowest.
Traditional SkillsHorsemanship and weaponry were the traditional skills of knightsSamurai learned martial art and also skilled in horsemanship, archery, and swordsmanship

Knight vs. Samurai Similarities

  • Whether knight or samurai were great and well-educated warriors.
  • If we talk about medieval knight vs. samurai, both start to get their training from childhood and fight well in the battles.
  • Both rode horses in battles and fought for the honor and dignity of their people and countries.
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Knights Versus Samurai Pros and Cons

Knights Pros and Cons

Knights Pros and Cons

Pros of Knights

  • Knights were very difficult to defeat due to their high armor qualities and abilities.
  • Knights used strong weapons and shields, which protected them during the battles.
  • Their full body was shielded with a metal cover which kept their body parts safe in case of any attack.

Cons of Knights

  • The knights lost a lot of power by wearing heavy armor made up of metal, making it difficult for them to move.
  • Knight used horses to ride, and they could hurt badly if they fell off the horses.

Samurai Pros and Cons

Samurai Pros and Cons

Pros of Samurai

  • The samurai armor was light and made up of bamboo with some clothes and metal, making it easier for them to move as it was not heavy.
  • Samurai were well-qualified in various combat abilities, which helped them during battles.

Cons of Samurai

  • Most of the weapons of samurai-like arrows cannot pierce into the heavy metal armor of the knights.
  • Samurai were less protected and vulnerable than knights because of their light and thin armor.

Comparison Chart

What is the difference between a knight and a samurai? Read more to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of each, similarities and differences between these two types of warriors.

Comparison Video

Knight vs Samurai – Accurate Historical Comparison


Knights and samurais both were great warriors of ancient times. Both were well-trained and well-mannered. But if we talk about samurai versus knight, they both were different from each other in many ways. Both belong to different countries and have different strategies for battles. Knights used heavy clothes made up of metal during metal. But the samurai wear lightweight clothes. Knights rode horses and used their swords and shields in battle. Samurai can ride a horse and walk on their feet as well. Samurai used arrows, bows, and two swords during the battle. Knight had the military rank, but the samurai did not. 

Alex Stantor
Alex Stantor

Alex Stantor is a Sorbonne University (Paris, France) graduate in Philosophy and Data Analysis. Currently, he is an Author and Researcher at Difference 101, he writes articles/blog posts on topics such as "thinking differently" and "the importance of difference". Alex is a passionate advocate of diversity in the workplace and in companies, and diversity and inclusion in corporate communications. He currently lives in Brooklyn.

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