Chromatin vs. Chromatid: What’s The Difference Between Chromatin And Chromatid?

What's the difference between chromatin and chromatid? Chromatin is the material that makes up chromosomes, while chromatids are the two parts of a chromosome that are joined together during cell division. Read more here.
Chromatin vs. Chromatid: 5 Key Differences, Pros & Cons, Similarities

Chromatin vs. Chromatid: chromatin and chromatid terms may look similar, which is why people get confused sometimes. But when we look into chromatin vs. Chromatid difference: chromatin is a mass of DNA molecules, while chromatids are the part of chromosomes that are attached to it with a centromere. These two also have different structures, functions, and occurrences.

Let’s take a closer look at Chromatid vs. Chromatin

CentromereThe centromere is only found in sister chromatids
RNABoth chromatin and chromatid contain RNA
PresenceChromatids occur throughout the life cycle during chromatin only during mitosis or meiosis.
Made ofChromatin is a mixture of DNA and protein, while chromatids are made up of chromatin fibers while

What Is Chromatin?

What Is Chromatin? The term "chromatin" refers to the mixture of protein and DNA which forms the chromosomes found in the cells of humans and other organisms. Most proteins like histones can package the high amount of DNA in a genome and make it fit into the cell nucleus. The total length of the DA is about 5 to 6 feet long, which cannot fit into the cell's nucleus in an orderly fashion. That's why the DNA molecules first wrapped around the histone protein and formed beads on the string structure, known as nucleosomes. These nucleosomes further condense to form a fibrous material, chromatin. During the replication and duplication of cells, the chromatin further condenses and becomes like chromosomes, which are visible under a microscope and separated into daughter cells during division.

The term “chromatin” refers to the mixture of protein and DNA which forms the chromosomes found in the cells of humans and other organisms. Most proteins like histones can package the high amount of DNA in a genome and make it fit into the cell nucleus. The total length of the DA is about 5 to 6 feet long, which cannot fit into the cell’s nucleus in an orderly fashion. That’s why the DNA molecules first wrapped around the histone protein and formed beads on the string structure, known as nucleosomes. These nucleosomes further condense to form a fibrous material, chromatin. During the replication and duplication of cells, the chromatin further condenses and becomes like chromosomes, which are visible under a microscope and separated into daughter cells during division.

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What Is Chromatid?

What Is Chromatid? Chromatid is a term used for one of two identical halves of chromosomes that have been replicated in preparation for cell division. Two sister chromatids are joined together at a specific region of the chromosome called the centromere. During cell division, each sister chromatid is pulled to the opposite side by the spindle fiber, which is attached to the centromere. And when the cells divide into two, it makes daughter cells with identical DNA. This cell replication is very important during growth and for replacing the cells which got damaged. For example, the cut heals when a person gets a cut on his skin. It is because of cell replication that the new cells are exact copies of the old ones. The chromosomes also contain copies in the form of chromatids which contain special structures for separating daughter cells.

Chromatid is a term used for one of two identical halves of chromosomes that have been replicated in preparation for cell division. Two sister chromatids are joined together at a specific region of the chromosome called the centromere. During cell division, each sister chromatid is pulled to the opposite side by the spindle fiber, which is attached to the centromere. And when the cells divide into two, it makes daughter cells with identical DNA. This cell replication is very important during growth and for replacing the cells which got damaged. For example, the cut heals when a person gets a cut on his skin. It is because of cell replication that the new cells are exact copies of the old ones. The chromosomes also contain copies in the form of chromatids which contain special structures for separating daughter cells.

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5 Key Differences Between Chromatin and Chromatid

DefinitionChromatin is a protein and nucleic acid complex found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, whose main function is to package the long DNA molecules into denser shapes and prevent the tangling of strands.On the other hand, a chromatid is a replicated chromosome with two daughter strands joined by a single centromere. These strands separate during cell division and become a single chromosome.
StructureChromatin contains histones and DNA, in which 147 base pairs of DNA are wrapped around eight core histones.The structure of the sister chromatids remains to change throughout the stages of cell divisions.
FormationDNA molecules wrap around the histone protein and form a bead on a string-like structure called a nucleosome. Nucleosomes further gather to form chromatin.Nucleosomes form chromatin fiber by folding up. Then the loops of this chromatin fiber are compressed and folded to produce 250-nm wide fiber, which is coiled into chromatid.
TypesThere are two main types of chromatin: euchromatin and heterochromatinIntrachromosomal recombination has two types of chromatid interaction: sister chromatid and Intra chromatid
FunctionThe primary function of chromatin is to convert long DNA molecules into a denser and compact structure.Chromatids are important to make sure the daughter cells are healthy and fully functional and carrying a full complement DNA

Chromatin vs. Chromatid Similarities

  • Chromatid and chromatin both contain RNA.
  • Both are very important when it comes to chromosomes and genetic material.
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Chromosome vs. Chromatid vs. Chromatin

The term chromosome, chromatin, and chromatid may look similar, but these are not. All of these terms may be related to each other but have different structures and functions. Chromosomes are thread-like structures made up of nucleic acid and protein. It is found in the neck of the cells and carries genetic information in the form of genes. On the other hand, chromatin is a material from which the chromosomes of humans and other major organisms are made up of. It consists of DNA, RNA, and protein. And chromatid is one of two identical halves of the chromosome which undergoes replication during cell division.

Chromatin Versus Chromatid Pros and Cons

Chromatin Pros and Cons

Chromatin Pros and Cons

Pros of Chromatin

  • Chromatin remodeling is crucial for regulating eukaryotic gene expression, making condensed DNA available for different regulatory factors.
  • Chromatin also enables the efficient transfer and separation of chromosomes during mitosis.

Cons of Chromatin

  • I chromatin is deregulated, resulting in certain health conditions like neuro-development disorders and other intellectual disabilities.
  • If there is any wrong amino acid in the chromatin protein, the structure can change completely, affecting its function.

Pros and Cons of Chromatid

Pros and Cons of Chromatid

Pros of Chromatid

  • Chromatids can help the cells in storing two copies of their information during cell division.
  • Chromatids are necessary to ensure that daughter cells are healthy and properly functional. Carrying the parent cells’ DNA.

Cons of Chromatid

  • If the sister chromatid didn’t separate during meiosis II, it could result in one gamete without the chromosome.
  • Sister chromatid cohesion defect is a rare medical condition that is caused by the heterogeneity of chromosomal copy numbers.

Comparison Chart

What's the difference between chromatin and chromatid? Chromatin is the material that makes up chromosomes, while chromatids are the two parts of a chromosome that are joined together during cell division. Read more here.

Comparison Video

Chromatin Vs Chromatid | What is the Difference? | Pocket Bio |


Whether it’s chromatin or chromatid, both play an important role in the genetics of human beings and other major organisms. These both terms are related to each other but also have a lot of differences. The main difference between chromatin and chromatid is that chromatin is present in the nucleus to package the long DNA molecules to make them denser, while chromatid is one of the two identical halves of the chromosome replicated during cell division. Both chromatids and chromatin have different structures and functions. In the chromatin structure, the DNA is wrapped around the histone protein, but the structure of the chromatid keeps changing during cell division. 

Alex Stantor
Alex Stantor

Alex Stantor is a Sorbonne University (Paris, France) graduate in Philosophy and Data Analysis. Currently, he is an Author and Researcher at Difference 101, he writes articles/blog posts on topics such as "thinking differently" and "the importance of difference". Alex is a passionate advocate of diversity in the workplace and in companies, and diversity and inclusion in corporate communications. He currently lives in Brooklyn.

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