Grapefruit vs. Pomelo: What is the Difference Between Grapefruit and Pomelo?

Grapefruit and pomelo are two types of citrus fruits that are similar in many ways. They have almost the same taste and have a similar color. But what is the difference between them?
Grapefruit vs Pomelo: 6 Key Differences, Pros & Cons, Examples

Both grapefruit and pomelo are citrus fruits but have many differences. The biggest grapefruit vs. pomelo difference lies in their size. Grapefruit is much smaller and has a thinner rind than pomelo. Also, grapefruits have smoother skins than pomelos. The former can turn yellow-orange to pink when ripe while pomelos are yellow to pale green.

Let’s take a closer look at pomelo vs. grapefruit here:

CitrusBoth grapefruit and pomelo are citrus fruits
SizePomelos are substantially bigger than grapefruits
TastePomelos are sweeter than grapefruits
RelationshipGrapefruits originated from pomelos as a hybrid

What is a Grapefruit?

What is a Grapefruit? Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that is a natural hybrid originating from pomelos and oranges. Since it is a hybrid, the grapefruit scientific name is Citrus × paradisi. Another name for grapefruit is Forbidden fruit.

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that is a natural hybrid originating from pomelos and oranges. Since it is a hybrid, the grapefruit scientific name is Citrus × paradisi. Another name for grapefruit is Forbidden fruit.

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What is Pomelo?

What is Pomelo? Pomelo is a large, non-hybrid citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia where it is commonly consumed during the festive season. Its scientific name is Citrus maxima.

Pomelo is a large, non-hybrid citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia where it is commonly consumed during the festive season. Its scientific name is Citrus maxima.

Pomelo vs. Grapefruit Pros and Cons

Grapefruit Pros and Cons

Grapefruit Pros and Cons

Pros of Grapefruit

  • It is rich in Vitamin A and C. 
  • It is low in calories.
  • It reduces the risk of diabetes.

Cons of Grapefruit

  • It doesn’t contain sufficient iron, phosphorus, and zinc.
  • It might interfere with the absorption of blood pressure medicines.

Pomelo Pros and Cons

Pomelo Pros and Cons

Pros of Pomelo

  • It is sweeter than a grapefruit.
  • It is rich in potassium and Vitamin C.
  • It contains fewer calories than grapefruit.

Cons of Pomelo

  • It doesn’t contain sufficient amounts of iron and zinc.
  • It interacts with several medicines including blood pressure regulating meds.

Grapefruit and Pomelo Examples

Examples of Grapefruit

  • Melogold
  • Flame
  • Oroblanco
  • Duncan
  • Marsh
  • Rio star
  • Thompson
  • Ruby red
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Examples of Pomelo

  • Dangyuja
  • Banpeiyu
  • Honey pomelo
  • Shatian pomelo
  • Hyuganatsu

Bringing out the Similarities Between Grapefruit and Pomelo for Better Understanding

  • Both grapefruit and pomelo are citrus fruits.
  • They are rich in Vitamin C.
  • They are low in calories.
  • Both interfere with certain medications.

6 Key Points of Difference Between Grapefruit and Pomelo that You need to Know

Basis Grapefruit Pomelo
OriginIt is a natural hybrid originating from pomelos and oranges.It is a large, non-hybrid citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia.
SizeIt is a small fruit with 10 to 15 cm diameter.It is a large fruit with 15 to 25 cm diameter.
ColorIt is yellow-orange to pink when ripe.It is yellow to pale green when ripe.
GrowthThey grow in clusters like grapes.They do not grow in clusters.
TasteIt has a sweet and sour taste.It also has a sweet and sour taste with more sweetness than grapefruit.
Skin surfaceIt has smoother skin.Its skin is slightly pitted thereby lacking smoothness.

Comparison Chart

Grapefruit and pomelo are two types of citrus fruits that are similar in many ways. They have almost the same taste and have a similar color. But what is the difference between them?

Comparison Video

Here’s all the difference between pomelo and grapefruit

Grapefruit and Pomelo FAQs

Are Pomelo and Grapefruit the Same Thing?

Many people wonder, “what is pomelo?” Is it the same as grapefruit? 

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No. Pomelo and grapefruit are not the same. Rather, grapefruit is a hybrid that originated from pomelo and orange.

Which is Better: Pomelo or Grapefruit?

Talking about the nutritional content, both grapefruit and pomelo are healthy options. Pomelo will be a better option when you want to increase your potassium intake since it has more potassium content than grapefruit. On the other hand, grapefruit will be a better option when you want to increase Vitamin A in your diet.

Does Grapefruit Taste Like Pomelo?

Yes, grapefruit tastes like pomelo but the latter is more towards the sweeter side.

What is the Relationship between Pomelo and Grapefruit?

Many people wonder, “Is pomelo a grapefruit?” It is because pomelo and grapefruit are related. Grapefruit originated from pomelo as its hybrid variety.

Is Pomelo Pink Grapefruit?

No. Pomelo is a completely different fruit than a pink grapefruit.

Why is Grapefruit Bad for you?

Grapefruit can be bad for you when you are taking certain medicines like statins for lowering cholesterol or treating heart disease. The fruit contains compounds called furanocoumarins that interfere with the metabolism of statins. In such cases, grapefruit increases the level of statins in your body and adversely impacts your health.  

Is Pomelo high in Sugar?

No. Pomelo is not high in sugar to cause ill-effects to your body. The fruit has a low glycemic index and can be safely consumed even by diabetic patients in moderate amounts.

Is Eating too much Pomelo Bad?

Yes. Eating too much pomelo might be harmful to your health as it increases the acid levels in the stomach. Also, pomelo is known to lower blood pressure, so you must avoid eating it if you are suffering from hypotension. Pomelo might also be harmful to people with liver and kidney problems due to the high amount of Vitamin C it carries.

Is it Good to Eat Pomelo at Night?

No. Though pomelo helps in digesting your food, it also makes you feel full for quite a long time. Its protein and fiber content takes time to digest, so avoid eating a pomelo at night.

Why is Pomelo Bitter?

The segments of pomelo contain enveloping membranes that are bitter and considered inedible. Pomelo derives its bitterness from these membranes.


Grapefruit and pomelo are citrus fruits with many health benefits. The biggest difference between the two fruits lies in their origin. Grapefruit originated as a hybrid variety of pomelo and orange. On the other hand, pomelo is a non-hybrid fruit. Considering the taste of the two fruits, grapefruit and pomelo taste quite similar but a pomelo has more sweetness to it. Another major difference between grapefruit and pomelo can be seen in their size. A pomelo is considerably bigger than a grapefruit. Where grapefruits turn yellow-orange to pink when ripe, pomelos are yellow to pale green. Lastly, grapefruits grow in clusters like grapes while pomelo grows as singles.

Alex Stantor
Alex Stantor

Alex Stantor is a Sorbonne University (Paris, France) graduate in Philosophy and Data Analysis. Currently, he is an Author and Researcher at Difference 101, he writes articles/blog posts on topics such as "thinking differently" and "the importance of difference". Alex is a passionate advocate of diversity in the workplace and in companies, and diversity and inclusion in corporate communications. He currently lives in Brooklyn.

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