Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal Communication: What’s The Difference Between Interpersonal And Intrapersonal Communication?

What is the difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? This article looks at the key differences between the two types of communication.
Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal Communication: 6 Key Differences, Pros & Cons, Similarities

Humans are social animals and always need to talk to someone to share their opinion, emotions, and feelings. So, communication is an essential part of life. Whether we say something or not, we can convey our message to the other person because it is inescapable. Communication can be of two types, interpersonal and intrapersonal.

Let’s take a closer look at Intra vs. Interpersonal Communication

MediumBoth are the medium of conversation but in different ways
Person InvolvedInterpersonal communication involves only one person, while intrapersonal involves at least two
Most CommonIn intrapersonal Versus interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication is more common
InformationBoth ways of communication deal with information

What Is Intrapersonal Communication? 

What Is Intrapersonal Communication? Intrapersonal communication is a type of communication done by a person with himself and includes assessments, thoughts, and feelings. It is an activity that takes place within a person's mind and is also known as self-talk or inner speech. This activity can be verbal or a conversation in mind.

Intrapersonal communication is a type of communication done by a person with himself and includes assessments, thoughts, and feelings. It is an activity that takes place within a person’s mind and is also known as self-talk or inner speech. This activity can be verbal or a conversation in mind.

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What Is Interpersonal Communication?

What Is Interpersonal Communication? Interpersonal communication is a type of communication done between two or more people, verbally or nonverbally. People often exchange their feelings, emotions, or ideas in this communication. It can be in voice, body language, gestures, or facial expressions.

Interpersonal communication is a type of communication done between two or more people, verbally or nonverbally. People often exchange their feelings, emotions, or ideas in this communication. It can be in voice, body language, gestures, or facial expressions.

6 Key Differences Between Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication

DescriptionIt is a type of conversation that takes place within the mind of a person.It is an exchange of emotions, feelings, and ideas between two or more people.
VisibilityIt is invisible because it only involves one person and their inner thoughts.It is visible and can be seen in many examples in our daily life around us.
Important AspectsSelf-awareness and interpretation of thoughts are very important in this communication.In interpersonal communication, the most important thing is good communication skills.
OccurrenceThis communication occurs during thinking of a person.It can occur in meetings, get together, or with peers.
Concerned WithIt is only concerned with the person’s thinking and analysis.It is concerned with the exchange of feelings, emotions, and ideas.
Information FlowInformation only remains to one person.Information flows from one person to others.

Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal communication Similarities

  • Both the inter and intrapersonal communication  involve thinking and emotions.
  • A person may use the same words when thinking (intrapersonal) or speaking in public (Interpersonal)
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Inter vs. Intra Personal Communication Pros and Cons

Intrapersonal Communication Pros and Cons

Intrapersonal Communication Pros and Cons

Pros of Intrapersonal Communication

  • Intrapersonal communication makes a person well-aware of his personality through introspection.
  • It allows a person to learn about his qualities, providing motivation and confidence.

Cons of Intrapersonal Communication

  • Since the person with intrapersonal communication mostly talks to himself, he may become shy or anti-social.
  • The one-way flow of information can result in misconceptions and faulty assumptions, which can also lead to self-doubts.

Interpersonal Communication Pros and Cons

Interpersonal Communication Pros and Cons

Pros of Interpersonal Communication

  • Contacting other people and sharing feelings and emotions can improve physical and emotional health.
  • Communicating with others helps gain self-knowledge and confidence, which plays an important role in building a relationship.
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Cons of Interpersonal Communication

  • It can be difficult sometimes to convey a message in interpersonal communication when the sender and receiver speak different languages.
  • Interpersonal communication may be negatively affected by the lack of cultural understanding.

Comparison Chart

What is the difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? This article looks at the key differences between the two types of communication.

Comparison Video

Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication Differences (MADE EASY)


Communication is a basic need of humans to explain their feelings, ideas, and emotions. Communication has two types: interpersonal and intrapersonal. Suppose we talk about intrapersonal vs. Interpersonal communication differences, these both are different in many ways. The main difference between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication is that intrapersonal is a communication of a person with itself, while interpersonal is communication between two people. 

Alex Stantor
Alex Stantor

Alex Stantor is a Sorbonne University (Paris, France) graduate in Philosophy and Data Analysis. Currently, he is an Author and Researcher at Difference 101, he writes articles/blog posts on topics such as "thinking differently" and "the importance of difference". Alex is a passionate advocate of diversity in the workplace and in companies, and diversity and inclusion in corporate communications. He currently lives in Brooklyn.

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