Led vs. Lead: What’s The Difference Between Led And Lead?

What's the difference between led and lead? When to use each word? Read to learn about the difference between led and lead, their pros and cons, and some examples of when to use them correctly in a sentence.
Led vs. Lead: 7 Key Differences, Pros & Cons, Examples

Led vs. Lead: there are hundreds of words in the English language which confuse people; most of these words are homophones, led, and lead is those two rods which are often thought to be the same. These two words may be pronounced alike but are different from each other. If we talk about led vs. lead differences, they have different meanings, spelling and use in a sentence. Led is the past tense of the verb lead.

Let’s take a closer look at Lead versus Led

LanguageBoth of the words belong to the English language
FormLed is the past form of the word lead
Sentence UsageLead can be used as a noun, verb or adjective, while led only as a verb
NounAs nouns, both of these words describe particular things

What Does ‘Led’ Mean?

What Does ‘Led’ Mean? If we look at the led meaning: it is a word used as a past tense form of the verb "lead". For example: "John led the horses outside last night". Led can be used in a sentence in many other forms as well. It is used as an infinite phrase or can also be used in passive voice for future or present tenses. For example, in the sentence "after Martha retires, the team will be led by a new manager," led is used for passive future tense. And in the sentence "A dog may be led with a leash if it is easily excited", lead is used as a passive present tense. Capitalized "LED" is used as a noun for light emitting diode, a light which can glow after applying voltage.

If we look at the led meaning: it is a word used as a past tense form of the verb “lead”. For example: “John led the horses outside last night”. Led can be used in a sentence in many other forms as well. It is used as an infinite phrase or can also be used in passive voice for future or present tenses. For example, in the sentence “after Martha retires, the team will be led by a new manager,” led is used for passive future tense. And in the sentence “A dog may be led with a leash if it is easily excited”, lead is used as a passive present tense. Capitalized “LED” is used as a noun for light emitting diode, a light which can glow after applying voltage.

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What Does Lead Mean?

What Does Lead Mean? If we look at the lead meaning, it has few definitions, as it is used in a sentence in many different forms. Lead as a verb refers to guide, show or cause and bring forth; for example, a good captain leads by inspiration; in this sentence, the word "lead'' is used as a verb and synonymous with "guide". As a noun, lead refers to a metallic element or to describe the foremost position; for example, he has the lead role in this movie, or exposure to toxic metals like lead can be dangerous to health. In both these sentences, lead is used as a noun to describe the element's position. The pronunciation of the word "lead" has a long e sound rhyming with leed, need or seed.

If we look at the lead meaning, it has few definitions, as it is used in a sentence in many different forms. Lead as a verb refers to guide, show or cause and bring forth; for example, a good captain leads by inspiration; in this sentence, the word “lead” is used as a verb and synonymous with “guide”. As a noun, lead refers to a metallic element or to describe the foremost position; for example, he has the lead role in this movie, or exposure to toxic metals like lead can be dangerous to health. In both these sentences, lead is used as a noun to describe the element’s position. The pronunciation of the word “lead” has a long e sound rhyming with leed, need or seed.

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7 key differences Between Lead and Led

DefinitionLead is a verb or a present tense version of a verb which means to guide or to take the first position.Led is the past tense version of the word “verb.”
As a VerbAs a verb, lead is used to describe leading or controlling a group of people or a situation.Led is used as a verb in the past tense form of lead; for example, he led the horses to the backyard last night.
As an AdjectiveWhen lead is used as an adjective, it describes the most important among a group of people or products.Led can form adjectives when it is combined with nouns. As an adjective, it shows something caused by a particular factor.
As A NounThe word “lead” as a noun is used to describe a metallic element; for example, the gasoline signs say “unleaded gas.Word led is used as a noun in capitalized form and describes a light-emitting diode which glows after applying the voltage, for example, optical fibers.
VersionLead is the present tense version of the verb which means to take the first position.Led is the passive and past version of the verb used as a past form of lead.
PronunciationThe word “lead” has a long e-like sounding like leed and rhyming with need, speed or seed.The word “led” is down into sounds El+EE+DEE – rhyming with said or dead. 
ExamplesA good captain leads by example.You will have to take the lead if the manager leaves. He led the horses outside last night.After John retired, the company would be led by someone new. 

Led vs. Lead Similarities

  • Whether it is the word led or lead, both are used in a sentence as a verb
  • Led and lead are both homophones, making them confusing words in the English language.
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Led vs. Lead Examples

Led Examples

  • The general led his troops out of the battle.
  • The president was able to led the company from this deep crisis.
  • He was the manager of our company, which he led for 10 years.

Lead Examples

  • Emily is the lead author of this book.
  • After the first half, the second team took the lead.
  • I hope Johnny will lead the discussion in today’s meeting.

Led vs. Lead Pros and Cons

Led Pros and Cons

Led Pros and Cons

Pros of Led

  • Led is a very useful word used in English to describe the past form of some situation.
  • Led as a noun is used for light emitting diode, which is useful in many ways and used in our daily routine.

Cons of Led

  • Word “led” is very confusing as it is a homophone with the word “lead”.
  • Word “led” can not be used in the present tenses.

Lead Pros and Cons

Lead Pros and Cons

Pros of Lead

  • Lead is the word which can be used to describe the first position.
  • Lead is not only a verb but can also be used as an adjective and noun in a sentence.

Cons of Lead

  • As a noun, lead refers to a toxic metal element, which exposure can be very harmful to health.
  • Lead can only be used in the present, past, or future tense; this word is not usable.

Comparison Chart

What's the difference between led and lead? When to use each word? Read to learn about the difference between led and lead, their pros and cons, and some examples of when to use them correctly in a sentence.

Comparison Video

Confusing Vocabulary 10 – lead/led


When it comes to learning English, there are a lot of words which can be confusing for beginners. Led and lead are some of those words. Which are thought to be similar by the people. Although these two words may sound the same, they are different. The main difference between led and lead is that led is the past tense form while lead is the present tense form. Moreover, both of these words have different spelling and meanings. And if you look at led versus lead pronunciation, they also have different soundings.  

Alex Stantor
Alex Stantor

Alex Stantor is a Sorbonne University (Paris, France) graduate in Philosophy and Data Analysis. Currently, he is an Author and Researcher at Difference 101, he writes articles/blog posts on topics such as "thinking differently" and "the importance of difference". Alex is a passionate advocate of diversity in the workplace and in companies, and diversity and inclusion in corporate communications. He currently lives in Brooklyn.

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