Seminar vs. Lecture: What Is the Difference Between Seminar and Lecture?

Are you unsure about when to use a seminar and when to use a lecture? Read this article to find out the real meaning of these terms, their differences and similarities.
Seminar vs. Lecture: 6 Key Differences, Pros & Cons, Similarities

If we talk about lecture vs. seminar, both terms are often used interchangeably. A student in a class with a teacher could be attending a seminar or a lecture. The main difference between seminar and lecture is that the seminar is the type of lecture in which the students’ educational or academic talk takes place. While the lecture is a meeting session specifically for students’ knowledge in which students have to participate actively.

Let’s take a closer look at seminar vs. lecture

SessionsThe lecture consists of many different sessions, while the seminar has only one session.
Number of PeopleIn the lecture, there are 100 students, while in the seminar, there are 50-60 people.
SettingsThe lecture is quiet, while the seminar is full of continuous discussions
Time DurationThe lecture can be half or one hour, but the seminar takes two to three hours.

What is the Seminar?

What is the Seminar? A seminar is a training session which is held to discuss something. The seminar can last up to three to four hours and have only one session. There can be 50 to 60 students in that one session. A seminar is not driven by the professor, but the students take an active part in the discussion, and the professor just has to oversee the discussion. Though a seminar can have hundreds of students, if it is only held for college purposes, it only includes only a professor and only 20 students.

A seminar is a training session which is held to discuss something. The seminar can last up to three to four hours and have only one session. There can be 50 to 60 students in that one session. A seminar is not driven by the professor, but the students take an active part in the discussion, and the professor just has to oversee the discussion. Though a seminar can have hundreds of students, if it is only held for college purposes, it only includes only a professor and only 20 students. 

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What is a Lecture?

What is a Lecture? A lecture is basically an educational talk held for the students of schools and colleges. The lecture focuses on a particular topic, and the professor only talks about that topic. A lecture can go for an hour and has different sessions to complete the details of the given topic. There can be 100-200 students in a lecture depending upon the capacity of the lecture hall. The students need to be quiet during the lecture and not allowed to talk. They can only take notes and listen to the professor carefully.

A lecture is basically an educational talk held for the students of schools and colleges. The lecture focuses on a particular topic, and the professor only talks about that topic. A lecture can go for an hour and has different sessions to complete the details of the given topic. There can be 100-200 students in a lecture depending upon the capacity of the lecture hall. The students need to be quiet during the lecture and not allowed to talk. They can only take notes and listen to the professor carefully.

6 Key Differences Between Seminar and Lecture

PurposeIt is an educational meeting between professor and student, considered a training.Educational and informational talk for the students of school or college
DurationThe seminar has only one session, but it can go up to three to four hoursThe lecture can behalf to one hour but can have many different sessions
ApproachThe seminar has a professional approachThe lecture has a theoretical and practical approach
Professor’s RoleProfessors are there to only check the progress and discussion of studentsDelivering the information about a specific topic to the students
Student’s RoleStudents are active and can take part in the discussionThe student remains to be quiet and listens to the professor carefully
SilenceIn seminars, the discussion is held between the professor and the studentsThe lecture is quiet, as an only professor can talk

Seminars vs. Lectures Similarities

  • Both the lectures and seminars are held between professors and students.
  • Both are held for the progressive development of the students.
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Seminar vs. Lecture Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons of the Seminar

Pros and Cons of the Seminar

Pros of Seminar

  • The seminar is the best way to get knowledge for those who don’t like attending classes or reading books.
  • At seminars, students can meet with other students with similar interests and concerns as they have in their field.

Cons of Seminar

  • Some of the seminars have an entry fee, which is very high. Moreover, it can also cost a lot to travel to the place where the seminar is held.
  • It is not necessary that the topic of the seminar can relate to your business or study concerns. That is why you only waste your time.
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Pros and Cons of Lecture

Pros and Cons of Lecture

Pros of Lecture

  • The lecture can provide a large amount of information to a large audience.
  • Lectures can be appealing to those who like to learn through listening.

Cons of Lecture

  • In the lecture, you cannot tell if students are intellectually engaged with the material.
  • During the lecture, all the students have to learn at the same place from the same professor, while everyone has a different level of understanding.
  • Lectures only focus on learning by listening, which can be an issue for the students who like other ways of learning.

Comparison Chart

Are you unsure about when to use a seminar and when to use a lecture? Read this article to find out the real meaning of these terms, their differences and similarities.

Comparison Video

Lectures vs Seminars…what is the difference?

Seminar vs. Lecture FAQs

What’s Better, Seminar or Lecture?

Both the lecture and seminar have their own academic value. Lectures are large and provide student information. Seminars make students discuss their papers, group work, etc.

Are Lectures Bigger than Seminars?

Yes, Lectures are bigger and delivered to a larger group of students. While seminars contain smaller groups.

Is a Seminar a Lecture?

No, the seminar is basically a discussion of students in the presence of a professor. While the lecture is something where only the professor can talk to give information about a specific topic. 

Is a Tutorial a Seminar?

A tutorial and seminar are two different kinds of meetings. A tutorial contains a tutor and a group of students, while the seminar is a conference for discussion.

Are Seminar Classes Easy?

Well, some students think that seminars are easier than college classes, but seminars require a large amount of work as well. In the traditional seminar, professors gave students the material to search out before class.


Both the lecture and seminar are held between students and professors for the better progress of the students. That is why most people get confused when it comes to seminar versus lecture. The main difference between the two is that lecture is academic research driven by the professor, while the seminar is the discussion in which both the student and professor take part. The lecture is all about the professor as he is the one talking all the time, giving information about a specific topic. But in the seminar, professors don’t have much of a role.

Alex Stantor
Alex Stantor

Alex Stantor is a Sorbonne University (Paris, France) graduate in Philosophy and Data Analysis. Currently, he is an Author and Researcher at Difference 101, he writes articles/blog posts on topics such as "thinking differently" and "the importance of difference". Alex is a passionate advocate of diversity in the workplace and in companies, and diversity and inclusion in corporate communications. He currently lives in Brooklyn.

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