Flutter vs. React Native: What is The Difference Between Flutter and React Native?

Flutter is a relatively new Software Development Kit than React Native and yet to penetrate completely into the app development market. It uses Dart programming language instead of the most widely used language, JavaScript. React Native utilizes JavaScript, which makes it easy to use for most of the app developers.
Flutter vs. React Native

Flutter is a relatively new Software Development Kit than React Native and yet to penetrate completely into the app development market. It uses Dart programming language instead of the most widely used language, JavaScript. React Native utilizes JavaScript, which makes it easy to use for most of the app developers.

Defining Flutter.io vs. React Native for Clarity

What is Flutter?

It is a free Software Development Kit (SDK) for creating high-performing applications for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, Linux, and the web from a single code. It’s a cross-platform framework written in Dart language and backed by Google.

What is React Native?

It is an open-source JavaScript framework for developing natively rendering mobile applications for iOS and Android, backed by Facebook.

Discussing Flutter vs. React Native Similarities 

  • These frameworks help you develop cross-platform mobile apps for both iOS and Android.
  • Both Flutter and React Native are open-source and free to use.
  • You can trust these frameworks to stay for decades, as the biggest technology giants back them. Flutter is backed by Google, and React Native has a backing of Facebook.
  • Flutter and React Native support Hot Reloading to keep your application running while you inject changes to the file.
  • Both frameworks offer excellent User Interface for developing beautiful mobile apps.
  • You will find detailed documentation of both of these frameworks along with Application Programming Interface (API) references.
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Highlighting Google Flutter vs. React Native Differences 

Flutter vs. React Native Language

Flutter uses Dart programming language while React Native uses JavaScript to develop apps.

Flutter vs. React Native jobs

Flutter ranks below React Native in terms of availability of jobs. This is only because Flutter entered the app development market much later than React Native. Also, by utilizing JavaScript and React, the most popularly used app development tools, the framework is better at creating abundant job opportunities.

Flutter vs. React Native Benchmark

In Flutter vs. React Native performance comparison, Flutter is a clear winner as it does not use JavaScript bridge for interacting with native components. Dart code used by Flutter has been compiled to native machine code for delivering faster performance.

Flutter vs. React Native Size

In the mobile application world, keeping the size of the app to the minimum is very important. Flutter has the edge over React Native in developing apps with minimal APK sizes. It is because Flutter compiles to 100% native code, whereas React Native communicates across a bridge using a combination of JavaScript and native code. 

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Considering Flutter vs. React Native Pros and Cons

Since both the frameworks have quite a different set of features, let us throw some light on their pros and cons:

Pros of Flutter

  • It delivers faster performance due to direct communication with the native components.
  • It is backed by Google.
  • Flutter offers quick modifications for your app with its Stateful Hot Reloading.
  • It offers maximum customization with its vast set of widgets.
  • It is easy to set up, and a low-end machine can easily handle the framework.

Cons of Flutter

  • It is essential to learn Dart before developing an app with Flutter.
  • Since the framework is relatively new, it lacks third-party libraries.

Pros of React Native

  • It utilizes the most commonly used programming language. 
  • It is backed by Facebook.
  • It offers quick modifications through its Hot Reloading.
  • User Interface development is smooth with React Native.

Cons of React Native

  • It uses a bridge to communicate with the native components.
  • It takes time to fully synchronize between React Native and new Software Development Kits.
  • The documentation available for integrating React Native with additional tools is very limited.

Let’s try to answer some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Flutter and React Native:

Is Flutter Better Than React Native?

Both Flutter and React Native have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, which sets them apart. Which framework is better for you truly depends on your use-case. If you are more comfortable with JavaScript, React Native is a better choice, but if you know Dart, you must go for Flutter for the additional features it offers. 

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Will Flutter Replace React Native?

No, Flutter won’t replace React Native at all. A large number of React Native apps have already been developed, and not all developers will migrate to a new framework suddenly. Also, the app developers who are comfortable using JavaScript will continue utilizing React Native for creating new apps as well.

What Language Does Flutter Use?

Flutter uses a programming language called Dart for developing cross-platform mobile apps. The language was introduced in 2011 by the tech giant Google. Though it is not as popular as JavaScript, it is extremely easy to learn.

Is Flutter Difficult to Learn?

The answer to this question depends on your experience of dealing with web-based applications. An advanced user of both static and dynamic language can learn Flutter with ease. Dart, the language flutter uses, contains features similar to both static and dynamic languages. Also, a good knowledge of web-based layout concepts helps you to learn Flutter’s layout quickly and easily. A dedicated learner can get hold of flutter in less than a week. 

Is Flutter Faster Than React Native?

Yes, Flutter is faster than React Native. Talking about Flutter vs. React Native development speed, Flutter does not use a JavaScript bridge to initiate interactions with the native components like React Native does. This expedites running time and speed of development of an app over Flutter. Also, Flutter has faster hot reloading making it a smarter choice over React Native.

Flutter vs React Native 2020 Comparison Table

BasisFlutterReact Native
Programming languageIt uses Dart.It uses JavaScript.
PerformanceIt is faster due to direct communication with native components.It is relatively slower due to the JavaScript bridge.
SizeMinimum APK size of apps is smaller.Minimum APK size of apps is bigger.
Job opportunitiesLess job opportunities are available for Flutter app developers.More job opportunities are available for React Native app developers.
BackingIt is backed by Google.It is backed by Facebook.
AdoptionIt is not as widely adopted as React Native but has been used by Alibaba, Google Ads, Birch Finance, and more.It has been widely adopted by many app developers like Bloomberg, Airbnb, Facebook Ads Manager, and more.

Comparison Chart

Flutter vs. React Native Comparison Chart
Flutter vs. React Native Comparison Chart

Comparison Video

React-Native vs. Flutter

Which is better Flutter vs. React native?

In Flutter vs. React Native comparison, Flutter is ahead of React Native in terms of speed. Still, if you are in a hurry to develop an app and don’t have any knowledge about Dart programming language, you will spend more time learning the language first. React Native has the edge over Flutter as it uses JavaScript, which is a widely used language.

Alex Stantor
Alex Stantor

Alex Stantor is a Sorbonne University (Paris, France) graduate in Philosophy and Data Analysis. Currently, he is an Author and Researcher at Difference 101, he writes articles/blog posts on topics such as "thinking differently" and "the importance of difference". Alex is a passionate advocate of diversity in the workplace and in companies, and diversity and inclusion in corporate communications. He currently lives in Brooklyn.

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