Custard vs. Ice Cream: What Is The Difference Between Custard And Ice Cream?

What's the difference between custard and ice cream? And which one is better? Read on to find out the pros and cons of each, as well as the similarities and key differences between them.
Custard vs. Ice Cream: Key Differences, Pros & Cons, Similarities

While both custard and ice cream are cold, creamy desserts, there are some key differences between the two. Custard is made with eggs, while ice cream is not. Custard is also typically denser and richer than ice cream. 

What Is Custard?

What Is Custard?
Custard is a sweetened egg-based sauce or pudding. It is made by blending eggs and milk, and often adding flavorings such as vanilla, cinnamon, or nutmeg. Custard can be cooked in a saucepan on the stovetop, or baked in the oven. It is often used as a filling for pies or pastries, or as a topping for desserts.

Custard is a sweetened egg-based sauce or pudding. It is made by blending eggs and milk, and often adding flavorings such as vanilla, cinnamon, or nutmeg. Custard can be cooked in a saucepan on the stovetop, or baked in the oven. It is often used as a filling for pies or pastries, or as a topping for desserts.

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What Is Ice Cream?

What Is Ice Cream?
Ice cream is a sweetened frozen food typically made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. It is usually consumed as a dessert or snack, and is typically served cold.

Ice cream is a sweetened frozen food typically made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. It is usually consumed as a dessert or snack, and is typically served cold.

Key Differences Between Custard And Ice Cream

  1. Custard is a thick custard, while Ice cream is soft, creamier and lighter.
  2. Custard is a type of dessert made by cooking eggs with sugar or milk, but ice cream is made without eggs.
  3. Custard can be served warm or cold, but ice cream is served cold.

Custard vs. Ice Cream Similarities

  1. Both are smooth, creamy, and sweet desserts. 
  2. They can both be made with milk, cream, and sugar, and they are often flavored with fruit, chocolate, or other delicious toppings.
  3. Both custard and ice cream are typically served cold, and they are both popular treats on hot summer days.
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Custard vs. Ice Cream Pros and Cons

Custard Pros & Cons

Custard Pros & Cons
Custard Advantages
  • Custard is good for health (contains a lot of calcium).
  • Custard is good for your skin and eyes (contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients).
  • Custard is a versatile dessert ingredient that can be used in a variety of ways.
Custard Disadvantages
  • Custard can be very high in calories and fat.
  • Custard is high in sugar, which can cause weight gain.

Custard Pros

  1. Custard is good for health (contains a lot of calcium).
  2. Custard is good for your skin, eyes (contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients).
  3. Custard is a versatile dessert ingredient that can be used in a variety of ways.

Custard Cons

  1. Custard can be very high in calories and fat.
  2. Custards are high in sugar, which can cause weight gain.

Ice Cream Pros & Cons

Ice Cream Pros & Cons
Ice Cream Advantages
  • Ice cream is often made with milk, which is a good source of calcium and other nutrients.
  • Ice cream has many different flavors.
  • Ice cream can be a great way to cool down on a hot day.
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Ice Cream Disadvantages
  • Ice cream usually contains a lot of sugar.
  • Ice cream has many different flavors.
  • Ice cream can be a great way to cool down on a hot day.

Ice Cream Pros

  1. Ice cream is often made with milk, which is a good source of calcium and other nutrients.
  2. Ice cream has many different flavors.
  3. Ice cream can be a great way to cool down on a hot day.

Ice Cream Cons

  1. Ice cream usually contains a lot of sugar.
  2. Ice cream is bad for your teeth.
  3. Ice cream contains a lot of calories.

Comparison Chart

What's the difference between custard and ice cream? And which one is better? Read on to find out the pros and cons of each, as well as the similarities and key differences between them.

Comparison Video

Ice Cream VS Custard – Frozen Desserts Episode 1


In conclusion, by understanding the differences and similarities between custard and ice cream, you can decide which is best suited for your tastes. These delicious, creamy delights contain between 1-6% milk fat, between 1-17% milk solids, 0.5%-10% egg yolk, and 0.1-2% corn syrup. If you’re still unsure of which to choose, I recommend trying them both and using your taste buds as your guide!

Michael Dorns
Michael Dorns

Michael Dorns is a media researcher and investigator at Difference 101. He graduated from California State University, Los Angeles, with a B.A. in English literature. He enjoys American literature, technology, animals, and sports. Michael has lived in four different countries on three continents and has also visited forty-two states and thirty-three countries. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California, with his wife and two children.

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